Sunday, December 18, 2011

BiG BREAK - Until March 2012

That was awesome! Thanks for hanging, playing, worshipping and learning with us over the past 4 months.

We will be back with a new edition of BiG Saturday Morning in the Spring of 2012. Keep your eyes open for our email or watch this blog.

Until then keep meeting up with Jesus by talking with him, reading your Bibles and living a life that makes him smile!

God Bless.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We're Still Growing!

It is great to see new faces at the Supernatural edition of BiG Saturday Morning. New kids and new youth volunteers are really making this edition power packed.

Registration is on-going so please feel free to invite neighbors, friends etc. We think everyone should know what a great time we can have worshiping and serving our Great BiG God!

See you after Thanksgiving!

Friday, August 19, 2011

SEPT 17 BiG Fun Starts!

Please register online by clicking on the orange buttons.

See You Soon!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

BiG Launch in September

Hey Guys - Keep your eyes on this blog - we will be annoucing our Spetember start date in a couple of weeks.

We have more great games, music and videos lined up for the SUPERNATURAL edition of BiG Saturday Morning.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


You guys are amazing! I had such a great time and by all the laughter I could tell you did too!

We still have more people signing up fo rthe great times. If you encounter the "waitlist" when you go to register, please add your info and we will release the tickets. It's a systems thing since we are now past the start date.

Waiting in great anticipation - Tara

Thursday, April 14, 2011

We'll See You Soon

It is getting pretty exciting around here. Lot's to do for this Saturday's BiG day. It's gonna be great to see you guys again - from last BiG and VBS.

We'll have a snack break so make sure you tell us of any allergies before you bite in.

See you very soon!

Monday, March 14, 2011

BiG SPRING LAUNCHING: April 16th 2011

We're Back! and ready to roll out the SPRING edition of BiG Saturday Morning. We have the same wacky fun with New Games, New Music in the "Follow You" editon of BiG.

Same Time (9:30am-11:30am),
Same Place (Church of the Master)
And some of the same and some new Great People!

Register online in the right hand column
or click on the SIgn up Link under the banner.