Well, Big Saturday Morning’s premier edition, “Tell the World” has come to an end. I want to thank all of you for participating. It was pure joy to spend those hours with your kids. I have already begun to miss them. I trust their lives have been enriched by their experience.
Starting Jan 9th we will be running a condensed version of the “Tell the World” curriculum on Sundays from 10:15 am to aprox. 11:30. We will still be singing, dancing and learning the great news of Jesus Christ.
If you are not currently a part of a home church, we welcome you and your kids to join us Sunday Mornings from Jan – March.
We will be launching a second edition of BiG Saturday Morning, “Follow You”, in the Spring of 2011. I will keep you posted with the launch date.
Following is a sneak peek at one of the tunes...
We will be hosting a Kids Fest (Vacation Bible School) about the 3rd week of July. We will be introducing the kids to a great Biblical foundation using the God Rocks VBS curriculum “Starlight Rescue: a Galactic Adventure in God”.
It features great teaching, animation, music and games. I hope we can be a part of your summer plans.
Any questions or ideas on how we can be of assistance, please contact me.
Until we meet again take care and God bless!