Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Well, Big Saturday Morning’s premier edition, “Tell the World” has come to an end. I want to thank all of you for participating. It was pure joy to spend those hours with your kids. I have already begun to miss them. I trust their lives have been enriched by their experience.
Starting Jan 9th we will be running a condensed version of the “Tell the World” curriculum on Sundays from 10:15 am to aprox. 11:30. We will still be singing, dancing and learning the great news of Jesus Christ.

If you are not currently a part of a home church, we welcome you and your kids to join us Sunday Mornings from Jan – March.


We will be launching a second edition of BiG Saturday Morning, “Follow You”, in the Spring of 2011. I will keep you posted with the launch date.
Following is a sneak peek at one of the tunes...


We will be hosting a Kids Fest (Vacation Bible School) about the 3rd week of July. We will be introducing the kids to a great Biblical foundation using the God Rocks VBS curriculum “Starlight Rescue: a Galactic Adventure in God”.
It features great teaching, animation, music and games. I hope we can be a part of your summer plans.

Any questions or ideas on how we can be of assistance, please contact me.
Until we meet again take care and God bless!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Almost There!

WOW! It's hard to beleive we are almost done for 2010. We have 2 more meetings - Dec 11 & 18th. BiG Saturday Morning plans to start again in the Spring of 2011...we are taking some time to rev it up.

So we'll see you this weekend.